Ringwald Voiceovers

When you feel it in the heart, you voice it from the heart


Sound Clips

Reviews & Accolades

“This is great, and done early!”

Kimberly Chaffin Project Manager Apptek

“Fantastic Job! Thanks for the great work!”

Michael Exner, VP Creative Director fahlgren-mortine


Companies I’ve had the opportunity to work on training videos, Telephony, and radio commercials.


Home Studio Dynamics

sound floor: - 60 db

MIC: Lewet LCT 440

Pre Amp: Scarlet Pro 3rd gen

The Astonishing Technicolor Soundbooth

User: RIngwald_Voiceovers


1992 - 2001; Gulf War, Desert Shield/Storm


3/25/21 diagnosed with Breast Cancer:

1 % of the diagnosed are men.



Like what you hear?

Contact below to book.

check out this great article im featured in written in Breast Health 101 with Marianne like, share, comment!!!!

My Journey


A little back story on me. I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area, in Cook County to be exact. My family and I bounced around a bit, until we landed in Wauconda (no not the one under the dome) where I graduated High School in 1990.

After High School, I worked some odd jobs, some more odd than others. I traveled the United States; North Dakota, Montana, Washington state…you know, all the states you don’t hear much about. After my adventures, I joined the Navy, and set off to boot camp in Great Lakes (aka Great Mistakes), Illinios. Yup….45minutes from where I started, I went to boot camp.

After boot camp I went to Millington, Tennesee…that’s a hop, skip and a jump from Memphis. I went to Avionics Electricians School. But, most imortantly, that’s where I met my wife. She was in the Navy as well, same school too! We got married in 1993. We have 3 kids and we’ve been together for 28 years as of January 2021. Me and my wife traveled in the Navy for about 10 years. We’ve been to Guam, California, Florida, Texas, Maryland, Virginia and landed in Kingsland GA, smack dab in the middle of Okiefenokee swamp.

Now we are in Concord, NH, where she grew up. I followed her up here…im not much for the snow. Her job transferred her from Jacksonville, FL to Boston, MA in 2011. She told me she was going back north and I could come along too, I love her, so here I am. Things kinda came full circle for her. As for me, I got to start anew! I’ve been in customer service and running restaurants. After a spine injury in 2019 knocked me out of the restaurant biz, and a round or 2 with breast canceer, I decided that I needed to follow my other passion (the first being my wife) performance! I got a mic, an acting coach and a dream….so here goes!


TikTok VO challenge duet w/ Nobel_Son

“If it’s worthwhile to dream about, it’s worthwhile.”

— An original quote